真能上天! AeroMobil飞行汽车预计将于2017年开卖|pg娱乐电子游戏
发布时间:2024-10-17 01:59:01
本文摘要:If Back to the Future 2 holds your standards for technology there are a lot of things we should have by now -- one of them being flying cars. But while modified DeLoreans havent dotted the skies, Slovakia-based AeroMobil says well be seeing flying cars on the markets soon as 2017.如果《回到未来2》让你把握住了科技的标准,那么我们现在应当有很多东西--其中之一就是飞行中汽车。

If Back to the Future 2 holds your standards for technology there are a lot of things we should have by now -- one of them being flying cars. But while modified DeLoreans havent dotted the skies, Slovakia-based AeroMobil says well be seeing flying cars on the markets soon as 2017.如果《回到未来2》让你把握住了科技的标准,那么我们现在应当有很多东西--其中之一就是飞行中汽车。不过当改进后的德劳瑞恩还并未构成燎原之势时,斯洛伐克的AeroMobil公司就已声明,飞行中汽车将在2017年上市!Speaking at SXSW Interactive 2015, AeroMobil co-founder and CEO Juraj Vaculik talked about his companys vision for a future where flying cars are just as ubiquitous as planes, trains, and standard automobiles.在2015年西南偏南大会上的讲话中,AeroMobil的牵头创始人兼任总裁奇拉伊·瓦库利克就谈及了该公司对飞行中汽车未来的未来发展。

他回应,飞行中汽车将不会像飞机、火车及标准汽车一样普遍存在。The company has already unveiled a prototype for its Flying Roadster, the AeroMobil 3.0. The two-seater functions as both a car and personal airplane, measuring at about 328 x 236 inches in airplane mode and 88 x 236 inches in car mode with its wings collapsed.该公司早已公布了飞行中跑车AeroMobil 3.0的原型。这种双开门跑车既可以当汽车进,又可以逆身兼私人飞机,其大小尺寸在飞机模式时仅有为328x236英寸,松开双翼变成汽车模式时仅有为88x236英寸。

The steel framework, carbon coating construction has a Rotax 912 engine under the hood with a top speed of 124 mph when flying and 99 mph on the road -- though Vaculik said the final version may be faster.这款车内部是钢架结构,外部是碳涂层,配备Rotax 912航空引擎,飞行中时最低时速平均124英里,路面行经最低时速平均99英里,但是瓦库利克回应,它的最后版本速度将不会更慢。Vaculik also emphasized the AeroMobil 3.0s need for only 650 ft for takeoff and 160 ft to land -- meaning the vehicle can land in a field of grass or onto existing highways without the need for new or special airports.瓦库利克此外还特别强调称之为,AeroMobil 3.0仅有必须650次的降落测试和160次的迫降测试,这意味著这部车可以迫降草地、现有的高速公路上,需要新的或类似的机场。He didnt comment on the effect that having planes landing on the highways might have on rush-hour traffic but did say that AeroMobil is initially targeting medium-distance travel. It wont take you cross country but it is plenty for a trip from say, LA to Vegas. Vaculik said the vehicle also runs on regular gasoline so there will be no need to find a special refueling spot.虽然没谈及让飞机迫降到高速公路都会对下班高峰期产生影响,不过他回应,AeroMobil的最初定位是中等距离的行程。

它或许无法带上你穿过整个国家,但是带着你从洛杉矶到拉斯维加斯毕竟绰绰有余。瓦库利克回应,这部车特普通汽油也可长时间行经,所以不不存在四处去找类似燃料站点的问题。While the Flying Roadster is still in development -- the working prototype is currently undergoing recommends real flight testing -- Vaculik was confident his company could hit its 2017 mark.虽然飞行中汽车还处在发展阶段,但样机模型目前早已在展开现实的飞行中测试--瓦库利克对他们公司可以达成协议2017年的目标十分热情。

But those excited at the possibility of flying your car to Thanksgiving dinner in two years should start saving now. The company is initially targeting the Flying Roadster at elite consumers. The price must be very expensive.但是那些对两年之内能驾驶员着飞行中汽车必要飞到感恩节餐桌旁而激动不已的人,你们还是从现在开始攒钱吧。因为该公司的飞行中汽车最初定位是高端消费者,而且价格将不会十分便宜。

